Noticias | 1 febrero, 2023

El investigador Alan Fairlie es coautor de una nueva publicación

El policy brief Mercosur-Pacific Alliance Convergence: Quo vadis?, coescrito por el investigador CISEPA Alan Fairlie, Karla Félix, Lorena Granja y Roberto Javier, fue publicado recientemente por el UNU Institute on Comparative Regional Integration Studies con el apoyo de la Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia.


In recent years, several proposals have been put forward to advance Latin American integration, one of which has been the initiative for convergence between Mercosur and the Pacific Alliance. In this regard, multilateral organizations have contributed, academics and research centres have estimated feasibility criteria, and regional agreements have made their own efforts in this direction. Despite this, progress in this area has been partial. This is due, among other things, to the crises inherent to each of these Latin American integration agreements —brought about by the coexistence of different integrations strategies– as well as the deepening of differences because of external shocks such as the changes in the commodity price cycle and the COVID-19 pandemic. This policy brief aims to identify the status of the convergence initiative between Mercosur and the Pacific Alliance, and to analyze where it is heading in the current Latin American political, economic, and social context.

Esta publicación de acceso abierto y está disponible en los idiomas español e inglés. Puedes leerla aquí.

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